Home 'Comfort' Chiropody Liverpool

Chiropody home visits

Our Service

Home Comfort Chiropody Liverpool - Our Services

We can treat

Ingrowing nails
Fungal treatments & yellowing of nails
Corns and hard skin
Athlete's Foot
Diabetics checked
Cracked Heels
Heel pain
Plantar Fasciitis
Hammer toes
Nails cut & filed
Thickened nails reduced
Callouses removed
Thickened nails
Mortons Neuroma

Our service in detail below

Athletes Foot

Athletes foot is an infection which affects the skin on the foot. This condition is very common and is caused by a fungus. Athletes foot can show up on the skin in numerous ways. The most common place on the foot for this condition is in-between the toes. The skin will look white and moist, it is also known to crack. The skin near the affected area may become red and itchy. Athletes foot can also infect the skin under the foot. This could cover the entire area or in patches. The skin will have small dark blisters and be fairly dry. Due to the dryness the skin usually cracks and will be itchy and sore. Your feet will feel more irritated in warmer weather. The fungi which causes athletes foot thrive in moist and dark environments, which is why shoes are the perfect place. Poor foot hygiene and sharing washing areas are key reasons for athletes foot to spread. It is unusual for children to suffer from this condition but any age can be affected. This condition is similar to other skin conditions. This is why it is important that you seek advice from a medical practitioner.

Bunion Pain

A bony bump on the side of the big toe joint is known as a bunion. It is also known as hallux valgus. To begin with, a bunion would start at the side of the big toe but if not treated then it can affect the entire forefoot. Bunions can affect both feet or just one. Generally it starts with one foot then progresses to the other. Joint pain and shoes not fitting properly are the main problems people have. Bunions develop for many reasons, usually there's more than one reason for this. Some common factors in developing this deformity are wearing ill fitting shoes, injury, hereditary, arthritis. All these things could be a cause for bunion deformity. Bunions may be noticeable in children or may develop later on in life. Generally bunions don't cause any problems to children under the age of 7. It is common for them to develop between 20 and 30 years of age. They are more common in women usually due to wearing shoes that do not fit properly. Over the age of 60, at least 50% of women suffer from this deformity.


Callouses are found under the foot and toes or on top of the joints of toes. They are caused when the outside layers of skin start to thicken. This is usually from stress on the foot. Callouses can be very painful and uncomfortable. People of any age can suffer from callouses but generally the older you get the more chances are to develop calluses. Callouses may show if there is an abnormal amount of stress on a particular area of the foot. Wearing shoes that are too tight or wearing high heels could cause calluses to form. Callouses are formed by a process known as hyperkeratosis. Hyperkeratosis is when the outside layer of skin thickens, this happens to protect any further damage happening to the foot. If callouses are painful then some form of treatment will be needed otherwise it can be left as it is. If you suffer from other foot conditions then it is for the best to get callouses treated whether in pain or not.


Most corns are a form of callus and are usually formed where there are calluses. It is common to find them on the heel or the ball of the foot or on top of the little joints of the foot. Some corns may form between toes. Corns can form at any age but are rare in children.Corns show that there is extra pressure and friction to that area of the skin. Just like calluses, a corn is formed because of a problem with how the foot functions. First the cause has to be identified to treat corns effectively. There are many different types of corns. They are different in size and positioning. A hard corn is the most common type of corn. They may feel like a small stone when you walk. These corns are hard, round and yellow. Usually they are uncomfortable and painful when pressing down on them. There are soft corns too which form between the toes. Unlike the hard corns, they are thin with white skin around them. These corns are very painful as they rub together between toes. 

Ingrown Toenails 

An ingrown toenail is when the nail on the foot grows into the flesh instead of straight. Usually it is the big toenail that is effected but it can happen to any nail. An ingrown toenail is a common complaint which can occur at any age. There are many causes of ingrown toenails. Some of the most common reasons are; cutting nails poorly and extra pressure on the nail pushing the skin into the nail. Whatever the reason for the ingrown toenail, the sooner it is checked out and treated the better. An ingrown toenail will be painful due to the nail pushing into the flesh. The pain will feel like a throbbing sensation and it will be painful to touch the toenail. The skin around the nail will look inflamed and red and sometimes there may be a discharge if it has become infected. Once the ingrown toenail has become infected then it becomes more difficult to treat.


A verruca is a wart on the foot and is caused by a virus. This virus is known as the human papillima virus. Most viral skin infections are caused by this virus. Verruca's can affect anyone at any age, nevertheless school aged children tend to be affected more as verruca's are commonly thought to spread in swimming pools and changing rooms. Some verruca's are painful and some are not. Not all verruca's look the same. Usually a verruca will be an individual separate wound with small black dots in the middle. There may be a callus around it. Verruca's enter into the skin very deeply and are not raised when putting weight on it. Verruca's are more painful when squeezed compared to when walking on them.

Home 'Comfort' Chiropody Liverpool
Tel: 0151 428 3988
NICK: 07803 615 096

ADAM: 07775 136 519
email: thefootdoctor@talktalk.net